Home Remedies for High Uric Acid Control

Uric acid formation is the result of breakdown of purine in our body. They are formed due to faulty protein metabolism. It carrier medium for it is blood, which takes it to kidney and finally get flushed out from our body through urine. High concentration of it in blood causes it to remain some part of it in body, causing pain in joints and is actually a type of arthritis known as gout.

The two major reasons for high level of uric acid are:
1. Improper functioning of kidneys, resulting in their inability to flush out uric acid.
2. Very high production rate of uric acid in the body.
High level of it forms needle shaped crystal of uric acid which are accumulated in the joints and results in acute pain in joints, redness, swelling and stiffness of joints.
Uric acid can be controlled by number of natural ways. Ayurvedic remedies are very beneficial in controlling it. Ayurveda make use of different herbs and minerals to reduce uric acid without any side effect.
Home Remedies for Controlling Increased Uric Acid level
1. Take 4 carrots, one mango, and a piece of pine apple, strawberry 30 grams and juice of one lemon. Make juice of all these and drink one glass in the morning and one in evening.
2. Take one litre of water and add into it 30 grams of cranberries. Boil it for 3 minutes. Cover it and leave it for 10 minutes, strain the liquid after this. Drink 3 cups of this juice per day.
3. Prepare a mix of rosemary oil and soybean oil by taking them in equal quantity. Massage the area under pain due to gout gently with this oil.
4. Take a perfectly ripe tomato and make its juice, drink it 3 times a day.
5. Prepare a paste by mixing baking soda with little water. Apply this paste on gout affected area.
6. Take one table spoon of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of wheat bran and mix them with two cloves of crushed garlic. Apply this paste on area under pain due to gout.
7. Cabbage leaves are also very effective in gout, make a paste of two large cabbage leaves and apply it on parts feeling pain due to gout.
8. Take one litre of water and add in it half onion. Boil it for 3 minutes. Let it cool down for at least 5 minutes. Strain the liquid so formed and drink one cup of it thrice in a day. If you feel its taste harsh then can add a bit of honey.
9. Take Aloe-Vera stalk and extract gel from it. Apply this gel over affected area.  
10. Drink water of one coconut daily.
11. Take French beans in a quantity so that we can make one glass juice of it. Drink it daily.
12. Include items full of hydraulic fibre in your meal e.g oats, spinach, they will absorb uric acid from the blood.
13. Consume 4 to 5 walnut daily in the morning with empty stomach.
14. Take green leaves of Chenopodium (Bathua in Hindi). Grind it and extract it juice. Drink one cup of it in the morning with empty stomach, do not eat anything at least for 2 hours after taking this juice. Consume it continuously for 15 days. It will control uric acid level.
15. Take one teaspoon powder of  Withania somnifera or wintercherry (Ashwagandha in Hindi). Mix it in one teaspoon of honey; consume the paste with one glass of luke warm milk. This should be consumed only in winter season.
16. Uric acid takes the form of crystals in the body and gets collected at different parts of the body. Take 1glass of water and mix in it ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Drink it daily, it will melt the crystals of uric acid which further will come out of the body through urine.
17. Make juice of apple, carrot and beetroot and drink it daily. This juice will increase the ph level of body and thus reduces the uric acid.
18. Take one medium size unripe papaya, remove seeds from it and cut it into small pieces. Put them into 2 litres of water and boil for 5 to 7 minutes, also add 2 teaspoons of green tea while boiling it. Cool it and strain the drink, consume one cup of it 2 to 3 times a day.
19. Use olive oil to cook food instead of vegetable oil or butter. It is a rich source of Vitamin-E, which helps controlling uric acid level.
Not to Eat
1. Stop eating red meat, meat, fish and other non-vegetarian items as they rise uric acid level very quickly.
2. Bakery products like pastry, cake, pan cake, buns, cream, biscuit etc.
3. Avoid eating packaged foods as they are preserved using chemicals, eat fresh home cooked food.
4. Stop consumption of liquor as the research has shown that 70% people suffering from high level of uric acid consume liquor on regular basis.
If not taken care of
If increased level of uric acid is not taken care of, it can lead to following problems:
1. Kidney stone
2. Diabetes
3. Cardiovascular Diseases
4. Metabolic Syndrome
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